You can reserve your colonies by selecting a quantity and making your deposit or purchase in full by credit card using the order link below. You may also mail or drop off a check with minimum 50% deposit to Isabee's by February 15th to reserve your colonies. Isabee's has been serving the bi-state beekeeping community since 2009. We strive to offer healthy, stress-free starter colonies, available at the optimal time to get a colony established, early April through mid-May. If you have any questions or need assistance with your reservation, please contact us at sales@isabees.com or by phone at 314-894-8737.
All live bee orders are to be picked up at isabee's retail location in Fenton, MO. Isabee's will email with exact pick up date 5-7 days prior.
ORDER HERE Deposit required to reserve If you reserve early, you may choose either the 1st week of April or the 4th week of April for pick up at Isabee's*
ORDER HERE Deposit required to reserve Expect pick up between April 10 and May 12. First come first, served*